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Housing Caseworker

We are delighted to be able to offer this position which will provide vital support to our housing department.

Job Title 




Responsible to

Housing Caseworker

35 hours

LA Payscale 5/6 £26,421 - £31,364 p.a. +5% Pension Contribution (This post is funded until February 2025, additional future funding will be sought)

Hybrid with office based working in Vauxhall, Liverpool

Housing Solicitor

Please download a copy of the job description and person specification below to find out more information about the post. If you are interested in applying please complete an application form which can also be downloaded below.

Job description and person specification

Application Form

Closing date for applications: 5pm Wednesday 10th January 2024

If you have any questions about the position please do not hesitate to email us at with your contact details to request a call back. We will then be in touch to discuss any concerns that you may have. 


*We are based in Vauxhall, Liverpool*.

About us

Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre provides access to justice on a range of social welfare issues. Established in 1973, we support sick and disabled people, those affected by the cut to Universal Credit including people working in the gig economy and on a zero hours contract. We are an inclusive and non-discriminatory organisation. We work with and advocate for members of the community that face injustice, irrespective of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, disability or immigration status. We take a strong stance against all forms of bigotry and work to challenge prejudice and injustice wherever we find it.

Our charitable values

1. Combat social exclusion by raising income levels, maximising benefits and helping to control debt levels through advice work

2. Make available to people advice and representation to which they would not otherwise have access so that they can better assert their rights

3. Provide a high quality, independent advice service which is free to users

4. Reduce poverty and improve people’s sense of health and well-being and promote independence for disabled people and their carers through the provision of welfare law advice

5. Promote equality and the active challenging of discrimination through advice and representation

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